Raw Organic Salsa

We offer 3 textured and 2 creamy salsas (smooth) for a total of 5 fresh raw cultured live salsas. These are uniquely organic, fresh, live raw cultured salsas and are available in mild (Green and 2 creamy) , medium (gold) and hot (red). Our organic salsas do not contain any cooked ingredients. By culturing and not heating, we maintain enzymes, microflora and nutrients.

"Live Cultured Salsa” means the presence of active probiotics and enzymes essential for processing minerals and vitamins in the body. Consuming many active probiotics and enzymes in raw cultured vegetables helps us humans live a long, healthful life. Rejuvenative Foods offers one of the only commercially made raw cultured organic salsas in the world.

Our organic salsas are made with raw, organic vegetables and then we culture them in stainless steel containers, package them fresh and refrigerate; to bring you nutritionally dense raw cultured salsa. All of our raw cultured salsas are made with 100% organic ingredients and are completely raw, vegan and gluten-free.