Rejuvenative Foods Satisfaction Guarantee
In conjunction with Rejuvenative Foods' sincere concern to supply the ultimate in quality healing foods, we offer a money back satisfaction guarantee on all flavors.
If you contact us for this satisfaction guarantee we will usually let you choose a replacement jar of another flavor of equal or greater value. Otherwise, we will mail you a refund check (receipt required).
So, if you are not satisfied after eating a jar of Rejuvenative Foods, please contact us by email or call 800-805-7957 and have your receipt and Rejuvenative Foods jar handy so you may tell us the jar lid date and other identifying numbers found by the "sell by date", so that we may taste and evaluate a batch sample.
RAW CULTURED VEGETABLE LIMIT*: If you have consumed more than one jar of raw cultured vegetables thinking you may get more or better health results after eating the second or third jar we will extend this guarantee up to three jars per flavor with a maximum of six jars total for all raw cultured vegetable flavors. We do this because we want to give people a chance to really understand and experience the health benefits of raw cultured vegetables. This "Satisfaction Guarantee" is only for jars 15 oz or less, not bulk containers.
NUT BUTTER, CHOCOLATE, RAW OILS & TEA LIMIT*: There is a one jar limit per flavor (3 flavor max) for the satisfaction guarantee on Fresh Raw Chocolate Spreads, Nut & Seed Butters, Fresh Raw Oils, and Gingko Green Caffeine loose leaf tea. This "Satisfaction Guarantee" is only for jars 18 oz or less, not bulk containers.
*Limits are per household, per lifetime, does not include shipping cost
Based on our own personal experience, feedback from customers and well-documented research, Rejuvenative Foods believes our raw cultured vegetables will help you feel better. In fact, we are so confident we offer our "Eat This, Feel Better, or Your Money Back" guarantee on any of our raw cultured vegetables.
We commonly hear from customers that symptoms caused by stomach aches, ulcers, other digestive issues and health problems, many times related to Candida, are improved or disappear entirely after consuming our raw cultured vegetables. Many healing practitioners recommend the consumption of our raw foods to alleviate their client’s ailments and to improve overall health and general well-being.
If you do not experience improved health after eating our raw cultured vegetables we will replace or refund your purchase (up to the limit stated above). Please contact us by email or call 800-805-7957 and have your receipt and Rejuvenative Foods jar handy so you may tell us the jar lid date and other identifying numbers found by the "sell by date", so that we may taste and evaluate a batch sample.